Publications by Jennifer Julia Kaplan
(2016). An iterative approach to developing, refining and validating machine-scored constructed response assessments. In American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, DC. Retrieved from (Original work published April 2016)
. (2014). Everyone Knows What a Histogram Is, or Do They?: How Non-Statisticians Read Histograms. Joint Statistical Meetings. Boston, MA: American Statistics Association. (Original work published August 2014)
. (2015). Expanding a national network for automated analysis of constructed response assessments to reveal student thinking in STEM. Computers In Education Journal, 6(1), 65-81.
. (2014). Expanding a National Network for Automated Analysis of Constructed Response Assessments to Reveal Student Thinking in STEM. In ASEE. Indianapolis, IN. Retrieved from (Original work published June 2014)
. (2016). Expanding a National Network for Automated Analysis of Constructed Response Assessments to Reveal Student Thinking in STEM. In American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Retrieved from (Original work published April 2016)
. (2011). Harnessing Technology to Improve Formative Assessment of Student Conceptions in STEM: Forging a National Network. Cbe - Life Sciences Education, 10, 149-155. (Original work published Summer)
. (2019). P-values mean what? Conceptions students are demonstrating on open-ended responses [Poster]. In U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics. Penn State University.
. (2019). Students' understanding of definitional and relational characteristics of confidence intervals: Initial results [Poster]. In Joint Statistical Meetings. Denver, CO.
. (2017). Using Formative Assessment to Improve Student Learning in Large Enrollment Classes. In U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics.
. (2014). Using Lexical Analysis Software to Assess Student Writing in Statistics. Technology Innovations In Statistics Education, 8(1). Retrieved from
. (2014). Using Lexical Analysis Software to Assess Student Writing in Statistics. Technology Innovations In Statistics Education, 8(1). Retrieved from (Original work published October 2014)
. (2018). Visualizing students' conceptual understanding in STEM: Faculty perspectives and a live web app demo. In AAC&U 2018 Transforming STEM Higher Education. Atlanta, GA.