
Frequently asked questions about using the CRC tool and several "How-to" resources which contain step-by-step instructions using tools at this site.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How accurate are the CRC scoring models?

    About as accurate as a trained, expert scoring a new set of student responses.

    There are many different metrics you can use to determine scoring model performance. If you want specifics on performance measures, each report contains information about how accurate the scoring model is on the training data used to develop the model.

  • Do you store my students’ information?

    No. Our system saves a copy of the student response, but does not save any information about individual students. As part of the upload process, each student response (i.e. row in the spreadsheet) is assigned a unique, random identifier that our scoring tool uses and then stores. This project has been approved by the Michigan State University Institutional Review Board (x10-577).

  • How can I put student IDs back onto the spreadsheet?

    If you want to re-associate the predicted computer scores to the specific students in your class, then you should keep a copy of the spreadsheet you uploaded. Our system will return a spreadsheet that maintains the order of the uploaded datasheet. To re-associate data between the original and processed sheets, just copy and paste the desired columns.

  • Can I use my own questions in your system?

    Not likely. Even small changes in wording to a question can decrease scoring model accuracy significantly. Our group has devoted a large amount of effort to developing and validating the questions in our question bank. We highly recommend using our questions exactly as written, with any supporting images and following the question directions on the Question pages. Any deviation is likely to result in more mis-classifications.

  • Is there a fee to use the CRC tool?

    No.  The developed questions and CRC scoring tool are FREE after creating an account.  To register for an account, click the Create Account link near the top right corner of the this page.  Accounts need to be verified before becoming active; this verificaiton usually happens within 48 hours of the request.

  • Can my students answer questions directly at

    No. You must assign questions and collect answers in another homework system. Our system is only set up to process uploaded spreadsheets; it does not support data collection directly. Most instructors use their familiar local learning management system (LMS) to collect student responses. You can copy and paste question text and images from BMC directly into your LMS.

  • Where can I get the code to use the CRC applications on my own?

    Check out our project GitHub:

    We have a few apps available for download and use.  The code for the CRC tool is part of the AutoReport suite of applications at the GitHub repository.

Documentation & Files

Using our CRC scoring tool is an easy three step process! 
1. Find questions

2. Upload responses

3. Analyze results.

But in case you want some more help through these steps, here are some step-by-step guides about how to use the tool and reports that you can download.  Just click on a button to open a file with more instructions.


An overview of the BMC interactive report

Need More Help?

Need more help? Feel free to reach out.