Publications by Hye Sun You
You, H. S., Haudek, K. C., Merrill, J. E., & Urban-Lurain, M. . (2020). Construct validity of computer scored constructed response items in undergraduate introductory biology courses. In Rasch Measurement: Applications in Quantitative Educational Research (1st ed., pp. 223–240). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Sripathi, K. N., Moscarella, R. A., Yoho, R. ., You, H. S., Urban-Lurain, M. ., Merrill, J. E., & Haudek, K. C. (2019). Mixed Student Ideas about Mechanisms of Human Weight Loss. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 18, ar37.
You, H. S., Merrill, J. E., Haudek, K. C., & Urban-Lurain, M. . (2019). Rasch validation of computer scored constructed response items in undergraduate introductory biology courses. In NARST. Baltimore, MD.
You, H. S., Sripathi, K. N., Yoho, R. ., Moscarella, R. A., Merrill, J. E., Haudek, K. C., & Urban-Lurain, M. . (2017). Towards meaningful scores: Development and validation of analytic rubrics for diagnostic purposes. In Society for the Advacement of Biology Education Research.