Publications by M.P. Fleming
Shiroda, M. ., Fleming, M. ., & Haudek, K. C. (2021). Applying Ecological Diversity Methods to Improve Examination of Constructed Responses. In Society for Advancement of Biology Education Research. Virtual: SABER. Retrieved from (Original work published July 2021)
Uhl, J. ., Fleming, M. ., Merrill, J. E., & Haudek, K. C. (2019). Development of a constructed response automated assessment question to elicit student thinking about epigenetics [Roundtable discussion]. In National Meeting for the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. Minneapolis, MN.
Fleming, M. ., Uhl, J. ., & Haudek, K. C. (2019). Development of constructed response items to elicit student thinking about ecology and use with automated assessment. In Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. Minneapolis, MN. Retrieved from\%20ER\%202019\%20Round\%20table\%20abstracts.2.pdf