Publications by John E Merrill

Uhl, J. D., Merrill, J. E., Urban-Lurain, M. ., Haudek, K. C., Sripathi, K. N., & Meir, E. . (2021). Automated Writing Assessment of Undergraduate Learning After Completion of a Computer-based Cellular Respiration Tutorial. In Society for Advancement of Biology Education Research. Virtual: SABER. Retrieved from (Original work published July 2021)
Jescovitch, L. N., Scott, E. ., Cerchiara, J. A., Merrill, J. E., Urban-Lurain, M. ., Doherty, J. H., & Haudek, K. C. (2020). Comparison of Machine Learning Performance Using Analytic and Holistic Coding Approaches Across Constructed Response Assessments Aligned to a Science Learning Progression. Journal of Science Education and Technology. (Original work published September 2020)
Bierema, A. M.-K., Hoskinson, A.-M. ., Moscarella, R. A., Lyford, A. ., Haudek, K. C., Merrill, J. E., & Urban-Lurain, M. . (2020). Quantifying cognitive bias in educational researchers. International Journal of Research \& Method in Education. (Original work published August 2020)
Yoho, R. ., Urban-Lurain, M. ., Merrill, J. E., & Haudek, K. C. (2018). Structure and function relationships in the educational expectations. Journal of College Science Teaching, 47(6). Retrieved from